Steady Sniper Shot - No movement when zoomed in. “Super Stealth” - Pretty much invisibility against AI enemies. “Super Health” - close to invincibility. List of Sniper: Ghost Warrior Cheats (PC Input) However, if the risks are acceptable & you’ve already completed the game as intended, continue reading below for the full list of exploits available to Sniper: Ghost Warrior cheats (PC version at least) enthusiasts. This is further enforced by the hyper-realism found in Sniper: Ghost Warrior. Using a game changing trainer application is always a cautionary activity. Released at the end of June this year, the Sniper: Ghost Warrior trainer (referred to as “+4”) let’s players alter things in the game that may have aggravated them while playing its unforgiving mechanics in their initial play time. This specific Sniper: Ghost Warrior trainer is compatible with the 1.1 version or build of the game, with retro-active compatibility not available. Sniper: Ghost Warrior Trainer Information Given the nature of trainer’s as an external cheat device, for PC games, they often allow players to gain super human powers & alter physics etcetera in the gameworld. In this article, we will detail the Sniper: Ghost Warrior trainer for PC, describing the different cheats & exploits that can be used while playing the game.
With missions centred around clean sniper kills instead of puerile slaughtering of many near-faceless enemies, Sniper: Ghost Warrior furthers the idea of risk/reward and continues the trend set by games like Operation Flashpoint and ARMA.
Sniper: Ghost Warrior is a first person shooter trying to circumnavigate the problems found in many modern day games of a similar nature by creating a more realistic & punishing shooter experience.